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Love Song for NOLA

a visual opera in 5 movements

"Given the cyclical patterns of Black dislocation/border-crossing, the Black Body—queer in its relationship to structural oppression, must constantly reimagine and shift its identity to navigate new challenges and new environments. We perform rituals of resiliency and sustainability often using masking as a tool and tactic of subversion to reduce, resist, and prevent harm. The ways in which we negotiate new environments and traverse cultural, economic, and geographic borders produces an elasticity that allows us to conjure and carry our traditions, history, and values across multiple geographies and generations. From the slave castles to the plantations; fields to factories; refugee camps to tent cities; dormitories to cells; slums to suburbs, the corner to the boardroom—our response to displacement shapes our self-perception and effects the cultures of those around us. In this sense we form new ecologies that are a hybridization of multiple influences and cultures. I call this elasticity Ecohybridity." -kai lumumba barrow


The Argument:
Aria of the Hybrid Revolutionary

Exhibitions of paintings, totems, and sound installations by Gallery of the Streets' Artistic Director, kai lumumba barrow. Curated by Shana griffin.


Sitting in the Hull of the Ship

Ecohybrity partners with Queen Reesie of the Guardians of the Flame Mardi Gras Indians and the New Orleans Katrina Commemoration Foundation to pay homage to the memory of 1,800+ lives lost as a result of Katrina.

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The Return of The Bag Ladies

ECOHYBRIDITY joins the New Orleans Katrina Commemoration Foundation and Gulf South Rising in the 10th annual march and Second Line.


Choreorgraphy by Indee Mitchell and Paris Hatcher



Is This Intentional Subterfuge?

ECOHYBRIDITY joins Survivor's Village in it's "Housing is a Human Right" and "Tent City" teach in and direct action.


Tiny House intstallation built by Shanelle Mills & Naidra Walls

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Shape Shifting at the Crossroads

ECOHYBRIDITY partners with Kindred Women of Color Healing Collective to cultivate a site of Black Feminist Possibility.


Designed by Queta Beasly Harris and Marilyn Norton


Bodies Without Organs

The Argument continues with paintings, totems, and installations.


by kai lumumba barrow curated by Shana griffin.

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When the Prison Doors Open...

A large scale projection, audio installation and performance to shed light on the Prison Industrial Complex.


Projection by Ashley Teamer, Sound Design Tara Tierney, Choreography by Indee Mitchell and Parish Hatcher 

Grand Finale :

Welcome to the Subversive Ball

ECOHYBRIDITY partners with local DJs and performers to create a "party for the senses".

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WWFD? ( What Would Fanon Do?)

Closing art talk with ECOHYBRIDITY participating artists.

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